Tuesday, July 15, 2008

FoodSaver® - I LOVE YOU!

Ok so I've wanted a real FoodSaver® forEVER and I finally got one thanks to my mom and dad!

Well, due to how busy they are and that I'm about to wet my pants in anticipation, I went ahead and ordered it today. A REAL FoodSaver® on MY counter top in a matter of mere days... it boggles the mind.

So if you don't hear from me once it arrives, its b/c iIve vacuum-packed myself for freshness. I'm going to [pardon the expression] suck the air out of EVERYTHING in my apartment. I may have to make one of those mega-shopping trips and go to COSTCO and buy half a cow just to suck all the air out of it and throw it in the freezer.

OMG! i'm so freakin' excited!

Here's what the ole' girl looks like and all the stuff she comes with:

So i will be saying "So long, rarely used toaster oven!" and "Hello, my stainless steel, long-awaited beauty!" /swoons *THUD!*

PS: I promise I'll actually cook something tomorrow night! This blog's supposedly about cooking, I think...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also very useful for preserving human remains.