Monday, July 11, 2011

Peach Daiquiris

On Independence Day, David and I took the kids up to Peach Park in Clanton, AL to get peaches, boiled peanuts, ice cream and to play around on the playground.

Last week, I finally got around to using those peaches to make some fabulous peach daiquiris.  So here we go - a tasty summer treat that can be for the whole family, just make the ones for the kiddos virgins!  But no kiddos were in site that evening therefore much rum was put into ours! :)

 I enlisted David's help on the peeling of the peaches since my knife skills were terribly off that night.  So peel the peaches .  I KNEW that i had read something about it being easier if you dunked them in boiling water for a few seconds and if David had the internet or I had a smartphone, the peeling process wouldn't have taken so long or ended up in my hand being cut....  So dunk your peaches in boiling water for about 10 seconds and the skin should come right off.

While your food slave is peeling the peaches, go over to the blender and pour in half a big can of (or a whole small can) frozen limeade,  as much or as little rum as you like...i like a lot and 2 tablespoons of sugar or whatever sweetener you prefer.

It should look a little something like this 
when all is said and done.

Next, fill about half - two thirds with ice and then peaches (which have been peeled and quartered) and blend on "chop" until you get the consistency you desire.

I'm not a fan of chunks in my drinks so I blend them for about 30 seconds and they come out looking like this.  Serve in a tall glass with a spring of mint, if available (all my herbs are at my house and I wasn't that night.)  and ENJOY!!

Now sit back, watch "Gladiator" like we did (or not) and enjoy the peachy goodness of summer! 

1 comment:

Lisa - papergrace said...

Sounds YUMMY!! Now if only had fresh peaches like those. mmm....