Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Vegetable Garden and the Year of Alabama Food

So it's been almost a year since I posted to my blog....  Part of it isn't entirely my fault.  I forgot what email and password I had been using since google migrated all the blogger stuff to their system.  It's associated with the email account I rarely use and thusly was forgotten.

BUT not to fear, I have successfully logged in and will be working diligently to get it moved over to WordPress and it's own URL. should be coming soon.  It might look like crud for awhile b/c i've got a freelance gig i'm working on, but have patience and we'll get there together.

A couple of things:  my wonderfully handy BF, Hunter,  helped me plant a veggie garden this year since my tomatoes only had one good group last year and then looked like shiz the rest of the summer and did nothing.

We planted 3 different kinds of tomatoes.  Heirloom German Johnson (I name him Willhelm), Huskey Cherry tomatoes (at the suggestion of a master gardener friend) and beefsteaks (at Hunter's request).

And we planted 4 different peppers: jalapenos, chili, cowhorn and serrano.

The little guys in March when they first got planted.
 I did some rearranging of them not realizing that yes, plants do grow.

As of May 05.

Here are some pics of the lovely fruits on their respective vines.  We got tons of them, but have only had one plum-sized beefsteak ripen as of yet.  We've had a handful of peppers come in and I even used two jalapenos in the chili I made this past weekend.

Husky Cherry Tomatoes abound!

The Beefsteaks are definitely gettin' their grow on!

It took the heirlooms a lot longer to get fruit on them, but
when I first saw them I freaked out!  They are so cute with the  little ridges!!

These guys are now in chili and in the freezer!

The cowhorns

Year of Alabama Food logo

Ok so that's the first thing.  Second thing is this:  It's the YEAR OF ALABAMA FOOD!  And they have this cool website and facebook page with all this cool info in it.  I highly recommend ya'll take a look at it.

Okie dokie - that's all for now.  But keep checking back b/c I will be posting again soon!  Thanks for stopping by! :)

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